Sparkly & Slimming….a Weight Loss Blog

Samantha's journey to slim down, while remaining sparkly!

Weekend Thankfulness

Morning All!

I feel like I’ve just come home from a mini-vacation! I worked from home Wed, then had Thurs-Sun off. Amazing! I feel great. πŸ™‚Β  Of course, I made it to the gym 3 times in that little mini break! Woo! πŸ™‚

While at the gym I was thinking about my December goal. I’m bored with the treadmill. Bored like WOAH. So, I need something new. OK – here’s a few possibilities for kicking ass during the busiest month ever:

1. Get 1 hour of cardio every day. This means just doing SOMETHING – dancing, walking, riding the bike…something to get my heart pumping and my fat cells shrinkin’.

2. Conquering the stair stepper.

3.Β  Other? (I’m open to suggestions!)

I also thought about how far I’ve come this year. I started off a complete wreck in January. I was so unhappy with where I was in life and how I felt physically….it’s amazing how much as changed since then! πŸ™‚

I’m working on my New Years resolutions already, but I know there will be 11 small ones (since it is 2011) and probably half of them will involve fitness or things from my 30 list. I turn 29 on Jan 30th and my goal is to be 299 by then. This would mean I could be under 200 before 30. Having weighed over 400 pounds in January of this year…that’s AMAZING to think about!

Oh, and remember the debate about discarding my “too big” clothes? Yeah, I bagged them up and I’m donating them to Goodwill. I don’t need shapeless clothes in my wardrobe! Instead I opted to put my clothes that are just a bit too small in the top of my armoire – that means as I open the doors, the first thing I see is the clothes I am working towards fitting in. Good motivation! πŸ˜‰

I have a lot of gatherings to attend in December, and I’m a little worried about staying on track with my nutrition. I think a few things I will need to enforce:

1. If I have no control over the restaurant chosen, eat a small healthy meal and drink a large glass of water before going.

2. If I do have a choice in the locale, pick someplace with lots of good options and few temptations (Chinese = no good).

3. If I am splurging that night I can have a small dessert (or share a big one with a friend) so long as I have gone to the gym that day. No gym? No dessert!

Good strategy, right? I think so! I am sticking with no alcohol until NYE and hopefully won’t falter…although I must admit, martinis are my weakness! πŸ™‚

Do you guys have any tips for staying on track during the holidays?

Are you making resolutions? How often do you keep yours?

Oh, my last little tidbit is my new favorite quote: “Bloom where you’re planted“. It’s such a fabulous saying that I first heard from a friend a while back. While you may be surrounded by weeds, you can make the most of your circumstance by blooming right where you’re planted!